Why Can Gums Start to Bleed?

Most people are more concerned about the appearance of their teeth than their gums, but good gum health is essential for a healthy mouth. When patients visit Margolian Dentistry, we check the condition of their gums very carefully, and one of the signs we look for is if gums are bleeding.

Gums can start to bleed when brushed and flossed or if something very hard or sharp becomes stuck in the gum tissue, such as seeds or grains. While bleeding gums don’t always indicate a dental problem, it’s likely something may be wrong if your gums have started to bleed regularly.

Common causes of bleeding gums include:

Brushing Your Teeth Too Aggressively

If you brush your teeth too hard or use a hard-bristled toothbrush, it can damage your gums, causing them to bleed frequently, and they may even begin to recede as you brush them away. When choosing a toothbrush, opt for one with soft bristles, and you only need to brush your teeth relatively gently to get them thoroughly clean. If you are unsure how to brush your teeth properly, you can always ask our dentist in Oshawa for help and advice and a practical demonstration. We always love it when we can help and educate patients about their oral health.

Beginning to Floss Regularly

Daily flossing is essential if you want strong and healthy gums and is the most effective way to remove trapped plaque bacteria, and food between your teeth, and the action of flossing helps stimulate your gum tissue. However, when you first start to floss regularly, you might notice your gums are bleeding, but if you persevere, the bleeding should soon stop as your gums become stronger and healthier.


Pregnancy prompts hormonal changes that can affect oral health. For example, the increase in hormonal levels can make gums more sensitive to plaque bacteria, causing mild gum disease, a condition called pregnancy gingivitis. Symptoms of pregnancy gingivitis in Whitby include bleeding gums and gums that begin to look inflamed and red. While pregnancy gingivitis should clear up once the baby is born, it may be necessary to come and see us more frequently for regular dental cleanings. Removing hardened plaque in the form of tartar or calculus helps reduce the inflammation and infection in gums, helping them become stronger and healthier.

Gum Disease

One of the first signs of gum disease is bleeding gums. Gum disease in Ajax is an infection caused by the bacteria in dental plaque, resulting in gums becoming increasingly fragile, so they start to bleed more easily. Early gum disease, called gingivitis, is very treatable. We can easily detect the first signs of gum disease during regular dental checkups. This is one of the main reasons we like to see people regularly. Otherwise, when left untreated, gum disease can become periodontitis in Ajax, a more serious condition that can eventually cause tooth loss and even impact general health. Periodontitis is much trickier to treat successfully and can become chronic.


Some medications, particularly blood thinners, affect the blood’s ability to clot normally. This can potentially lead to bleeding gums.

Lifestyle Habits

Some lifestyle habits, particularly smoking or using any tobacco products or consuming an excessive amount of alcohol, can irritate the gums and may cause bleeding.

Healthy gums should not bleed and are a pale pink colour, and fit snugly around your teeth. However, if you have noticed your gums have started to bleed, it’s worth contacting us for practical help. Our dentist can assess the reason for bleeding gums and, if needed, can provide treatment or useful advice.

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