What to Do If You Have Tooth Sensitivity?

Sipping an ice-cold drink or biting into an ice cream should be a pleasurable experience, but these foods and drinks can trigger sensitivity and pain if you have sensitive teeth. The same thing can happen when eating and drinking anything sweet or sour or even breathing in through your mouth on a cold crisp winter’s day.

Why Do Teeth Become Sensitive?

When your teeth are strong and healthy, they are covered with a protective layer of tooth enamel. Over time, this enamel can wear down or become damaged, exposing the inner part of your tooth called dentin. The dentin surrounds the dental pulp right in the centre of the tooth, containing the tooth nerve. Once the enamel is breached, anything you eat or drink can easily reach the tooth nerve, triggering tooth sensitivity in Oshawa.

Your tooth enamel can become damaged because of acid erosion. Whenever you eat anything very sugary or starchy, it feeds bacteria that produce acid as a byproduct. The acid softens your tooth enamel, and it remains soft for at least half an hour after eating. Eventually, the erosion causes cavities to start forming in teethSnacking frequently on these types of foods can increase the time your teeth are exposed to acid, increasing the risk of acid erosion. If you eat and drink a lot of acidic foods, the effect can be worsened.

If you have a chip or crack in your tooth enamel, cold, sweet and sour foods can reach your tooth nerve more easily, which is why it’s important to repair any damaged teeth in Ajax as quickly as possible. The same thing can happen if you have a cavity or have lost a filling or have a filling that is crumbling. It is also possible to brush your teeth too vigorously, damage your tooth enamel, wear away your gums and expose the tooth roots.

Book a Dental Checkup

If you do have sensitive teeth it is worth booking a checkup here at Margolian Dentistry. We can check your teeth and gums and make sure there isn’t an underlying condition requiring treatment, such as a cavity or other damage to your tooth enamel. We can also check the condition of all fillings because these do need replacing as they age and before they can leak and crumble. If you have been brushing your teeth too hard, we can offer helpful advice on which toothbrush to choose. Our hygienist can work with you showing you the proper methods of brushing your teeth gently yet effectively. You should be using a soft-bristled toothbrush, and you don’t need to use a lot of pressure to clean teeth thoroughly as it is all down to technique.

Using Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth

If your teeth are generally healthy, but you still suffer from tooth sensitivity in Whitby, it can be useful to use toothpaste designed especially for sensitive teeth. The toothpaste contains active ingredients to reduce tooth sensitivity, gradually preventing unpleasant sensations from reaching the tooth nerve. The effect is cumulative, so use the toothpaste for several weeks to get the best results.

Other Things to Try to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

You can make sure you reduce your risk of tooth sensitivity by brushing your teeth at least twice a day, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and be sure to floss each day. A good oral care routine can help protect your teeth, reducing the risk of tooth enamel erosion and receding gums. If you want to enjoy an ice cold drink, think about using a reusable straw to reduce contact with your teeth. When enjoying an ice cream, lick it rather than biting it, so you avoid contact with your teeth, and as an added benefit, the ice cream lasts longer!

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