What Are the Signs Your Baby Is Teething?

One of the earliest milestones your baby will have during the first year of life is when they get their very first tooth. However, teething can be scary for first-time parents and especially when a baby becomes irritable or cranky as the tooth tries to push through the gums.

When to Expect That First Tooth?
Generally, the first tooth comes through around age six months, but this can vary considerably from three months to 14 months. While some children will get just one tooth at a time, other children get their teeth in pairs. Although there are plenty of tooth eruption charts online, it’s important to remember that not every child conforms to this schedule. If your child doesn’t have any teeth by age 1, it is worth coming to see us here at Margolian Dentistry. We can check your child’s mouth gently to make sure nothing is amiss.

What Are the Signs That a Baby Is Teething?
Symptoms of teething can vary considerably from one child to another. Some babies sail through teething without any pain, while others exhibit signs of discomfort and tenderness in their gums that may go on for weeks. It all depends on the speed at which the tooth erupts. Then other signs are mistaken for teething, including diarrhea, fever and having a runny nose. Some possible signs that a baby might be teething include crankiness and an inability to sleep or being restless during that time, and repeatedly rubbing their eyes, cheeks or ears. Another sign is when a baby has the urge to chew on something or is drooling profusely. If you look at their gums, the gum tissue may look swollen and there could be a visible lump where the tooth is about to erupt. Usually, when a baby has two or more of these symptoms, they are most likely teething.

Treating the Discomfort of Teething
There are lots of ways you can help your baby feel more comfortable while they are teething. One way is to use over-the-counter pain relief medicines that are age-appropriate for your baby. There are numbing compounds available that are applied directly to the gums, but these should be used with caution. There is some evidence that they may affect blood oxygen levels in babies. Often, applying pressure to the gum can give a feeling of relief for a baby, so try gently massaging the gum with a clean finger. If they use a teething ring, try refrigerating it first as the cooling effect can be soothing.

There’s another important milestone at this time, and that is booking your baby’s first dental appointment in Oshawa.

When Should Your Child First See a Dentist?
Ideally, your child should see a dentist soon after they get their first few teeth and between ages one and two. There are lots of advantages to taking a child to see a dentist in Ajax at this young age, not least because we can check to make sure their teeth and jaws are developing as expected. We always welcome young families at our dental practice and you can rest assured we will make sure your baby feels as comfortable as possible during this appointment. Also, we welcome questions about how to care for your child’s new teeth. We can collaborate closely with you, showing you how to brush their teeth and can offer advice about which toothpaste to use and how much. During this initial appointment, we will discuss how frequently your child should see us for checkups and preventative care as they grow up. By working with you, we can make sure your child enjoys healthy teeth right from the start.

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