The Benefits of White Fillings

Tooth decay in Oshawa is common, and most people will have at least one cavity requiring filling. Dental fillings are used to restore and protect decayed teeth and to strengthen them. They are extremely effective, and while several types are available, white fillings are commonly used.

What Are White Fillings?

A white filling is made from a composite resin in a shade that will closely match the natural colour of your teeth. Sometimes, our dentist in Whitby will use several shades to get an exact match. Once in your mouth, a white filling is virtually invisible.

Treatment is straightforward and completed relatively quickly, and white fillings offer great benefits for patients.

Preserving Your Tooth Structure

The composite resin used to make white fillings can easily be moulded into a cavity. When preparing a tooth for a white filling, we only need to remove any decayed and damaged tooth structure, leaving more of your healthy tooth structure intact. Composite resin is also ideal for smaller fillings.

Preventing Further Tooth Decay

A filling helps prevent further tooth decay, and composite resin bonds strongly to your natural tooth. The bond helps to seal the cavity, preventing decay-causing bacteria from entering the tooth.

Working Harmoniously with Your Tooth

White fillings are biomimetic, meaning they work harmoniously with your natural tooth structure, which is very important. The composite resin doesn’t flex, expand, or contract when it comes under pressure or in contact with anything hot or cold. Instead, it performs very much like a real tooth.

Suitable for Front and Back Teeth

A composite filling can repair small to medium-sized cavities affecting front and back teeth. It can repair small chips and cracks in front teeth and restore appearance. It is durable and hard-wearing enough to repair medium-sized cavities in back teeth.

How Is a Composite Resin Filling Placed?

Although this treatment is technique-sensitive, it is relatively quick. Our dentist numbs the tooth before preparing the cavity to receive the filling. The composite resin is inserted into the cavity in small pieces or increments, and blue light helps cure it so it becomes hard and durable. Once complete, our dentist can shape and polish the filling, which is ready for use.

How Long Will a White Filling Last?

Composite resin fillings in Ajax should look good for several years, but if you smoke or consume a lot of highly coloured foods and beverages, the resin can become stained and need replacing.

When you visit Margolian Dentistry, we can check the condition of your filling to ensure it still looks good and protects your tooth properly. All restorations need replacing occasionally.

When Are White Fillings Not Such a Good Choice?

Occasionally, we might not recommend a composite resin filling and instead may suggest another type of white filling called an inlay or onlay. These white fillings are made from porcelain and are designed to repair larger cavities affecting back teeth. The porcelain is stronger and more durable than composite resin. An inlay or onlay can look beautiful, invisibly mending a back tooth.

Can I Replace My Amalgams with White Fillings?

Many people still have amalgam or silver-coloured fillings, and when these age, we can certainly replace them with a white filling that will be far less visible. If you would prefer to replace your amalgam filling sooner, please discuss this with your dentist during your next checkup.

If you have a failing filling or think a tooth has a cavity, please contact our dental office. The sooner we provide treatment, the more likely we can preserve and protect your tooth and prevent decay from spreading.

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