Straightening Your Teeth with Clear Braces

There’s no denying a straighter smile looks attractive and healthy, but who wants to wear traditional braces with their highly visible metal brackets and wires? Luckily, modern orthodontic treatment in Oshawa can provide a far better solution, which is Invisalign.

What Are Invisalign Clear Braces?

Instead of metal brackets and wires fixed permanently onto your teeth for treatment duration, the system uses clear aligners that are fully removable.

Treatment is based on wearing a series of aligners that are custom-made to fit exactly over your teeth. The aligners are made from thin, durable plastic, and once you insert them, they are virtually invisible and comfortable to wear. You may see a slight halo effect around your teeth, but you’d have to be looking very closely to notice this.

The aligners apply gentle pressure to precisely the right teeth, ensuring they move in the correct directions, gradually straightening your smile. You wear each set of aligners for two weeks, and for the best results, they must be worn for at least 22 hours each day. You switch out the current set for a new set every two weeks, and treatment continues until your teeth are straight.

Why Consider Clear Removable Braces?

Most people want to have orthodontic treatment in Ajax to improve their smile, but wearing clear removable braces may also help improve dental health. These braces can correct many common issues affecting your bite and the alignment of your teeth, including problems with overcrowding or unsightly spaces between teeth.

Realigning your teeth, so they bite together properly can improve dental health, ensuring your teeth wear more evenly and avoiding problems that could place unwanted pressure on your jaw joints. Also, straighter teeth are easier to clean, so if you find it difficult to fit dental floss between overlapping or overcrowded teeth, you can expect to find it easier to brush and floss once treatment is complete.

Am I Suitable for Clear Braces?

When you visit Margolian Dentistry, our certified Invisalign provider can examine your teeth and gums to ensure treatment is suitable and provide the desired results. Generally, if your teeth and gums are strong and healthy and you don’t have any signs of dental disease, you should be suitable for Invisalign, but you can rest assured we won’t recommend this treatment unless it is safe. If you decide to go ahead, we scan your mouth to create a digital 3-D model of your teeth, which is used to plan your treatment.
Treatment planning is quite exciting because our dentist uses specialized software to move your teeth into the correct positions, creating digital images showing your smile before and after treatment. You can preview these digital images and become more involved with the planning process.

What to Expect During Treatment?

Invisalign treatment is so popular because the aligners are super easy to use and very discreet. When you have Invisalign treatment in Whitby, it’s unlikely anyone will notice, and the system fits in easily with everyday activities.
While you need to wear the aligners most of the time, you do remove them whenever you want to eat and when you want to drink anything other than water. Most importantly, the aligners are easily removable when you want to brush and floss your teeth. With Invisalign, you won’t need to change your dietary habits in the slightest, and you can stick to your normal oral care routine. It’s a huge advantage as the areas of teeth around traditional brackets can become discoloured because it’s often quite tricky to keep traditional fixed braces completely clean and free from plaque and food. There is no such issue with Invisalign aligners.

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