Oral Care for Older Adults

As we get older, our health becomes even more important, and especially dental health. The risk of developing problems such as gum disease and tooth loss in Oshawa can increase, as does the risk of developing other health concerns such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Other problems include tooth decay and tooth-root decay, and dry mouth.

Gum Disease

Anyone can develop gum disease at any age but can be a concern for older adults who may not have developed a good oral care routine earlier in life or who may find it more difficult to manipulate a toothbrush or dental floss as they get older. Gum disease is caused by dental plaque building up on teeth, and which contains harmful bacteria. These bacteria can infect the gum tissues around teeth, and one of the first signs is noticing gums become red or bleed. With the proper professional dental care, early gum disease, a condition called gingivitis, is reversible.

Tooth Decay and Tooth Root Decay

Even older adults can develop cavities, and exposed tooth roots can also become decayed. Tooth roots can become exposed if gum recession has occurred, a common side-effect of more advanced gum disease. When gum recession is an issue, a dental hygienist in Whitby can clean the teeth and exposed tooth-root surfaces, getting rid of dental plaque. During the professional dental cleaning, they also scale or clean exposed tooth root surfaces before planing them, a process that smooths the newly clean surfaces, so it’s harder for harmful bacteria to adhere.

Dry Mouth

This is a condition called xerostomia, where a person cannot produce enough saliva to keep the mouth clean and comfortable. It’s frequently a side-effect of medications taken to treat other health issues, and often there is a need to take more medicines with older age. When the mouth is dry, harmful bacteria can thrive more easily, increasing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay and tooth-root decay.

Maintaining Good Oral Health in Older Age

Getting older doesn’t mean you have to experience dental health problems as there is a lot you can do to keep your mouth healthy and in great shape. Here at Margolian Dentistry, we provide every patient with a custom dental care plan to restore and maintain good dental health. The custom plan is based on numerous factors, including your current dental health and your age.

As you get older, we will adjust your treatment plan as needed, which is partly why regular dental checkups in Ajax are so important. Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, using fluoride toothpaste. If you are finding it trickier to hold a toothbrush, ask us for help. Often, an electric toothbrush is much easier to hold firmly and will clean your teeth efficiently. We know dental floss can be tricky to use, but there are other tools available. You may want to try using interdental brushes or a water pik, and these tools can be very useful if you have dental restorations like implants or dental bridges that must be cleaned around thoroughly.

If dry mouth is an issue, we can discuss ways to combat this problem, for example, using artificial saliva. You can try other things, too, such as sucking on ice cubes or chewing sugar-free gum to help stimulate saliva flow. It could also be worth talking to your GP to ask them to review any medications, in case they can prescribe something different that won’t produce dry mouth. You must talk to them first as you should never discontinue any prescription medications without medical advice.

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