Learn Why a Straighter Smile Can Be Healthier Too

Most people want a straighter smile simply because it looks good but overlooks the other potential benefits of teeth straightening in Oshawa. From your dentist’s point of view, the most important consideration is always your oral health. When we recommend any treatment here at Margolian Dentistry, we always want to ensure it will protect or improve dental health, giving you a beautiful smile that is the healthiest possible. Here are some of the ways straightening your smile could benefit your dental health.

Reducing Your Risk of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

When your teeth are overlapping or tightly packed in or are crooked and crowded, it can make it difficult to brush and floss properly. When teeth are crooked or misaligned, it creates natural crevices between them that easily trap food and dental plaque. If you cannot clean your teeth thoroughly, bacteria in dental plaque quickly build up and eventually cause tooth decay and gum disease. Straightening your teeth, so they are correctly aligned and spaced eliminates hard to clean areas and will help you brush your teeth more effectively, decreasing the risk of oral disease.

Protecting Your Teeth against Damage and Improving Your Jaw Health

Ideally, your teeth and jaws should align together evenly, but when this isn’t the case, it can create what’s called a misaligned bite. Consequently, you may bite down on some teeth before others, creating more stress and strain on these teeth and your jaw joints and facial muscles and ligaments. When teeth come under too much stress, they can chip or crack more easily. If your jaw joints and jaw muscles are under too much stress and strain, they can become inflamed and painful. Correcting your bite alignment so that all your teeth bite together evenly protects these teeth and your jaw joints and muscles.

Some people have front teeth that stick out a little too far, increasing their risk of injury, especially while playing sports. Correcting the position of these teeth and bringing them back into line helps protect them against these accidental dental injuries in Whitby.

Reducing Speech Difficulties

You may not be aware of it, but your teeth have an important role to play in letting you speak clearly. When they are out of alignment or are situated too far forward or too far backwards, it can cause problems when you try to enunciate certain words. Correcting these problems could help you pronounce these words more clearly as your tongue will move properly.

Spaces between teeth can look unsightly and act as food traps, increasing your risk of tooth decay. Also, some people may find they whistle slightly through these gaps. Closing these gaps will fix these issues while reducing the problem of impacted food between your teeth.

Improving Digestion

One of the most important roles of your teeth is to help you bite and grind food effectively, and digestion begins in your mouth. If your teeth are severely misaligned, it can make it difficult to bite into food or chew it thoroughly, potentially causing digestion problems. Realigning your teeth will help you chew comfortably and thoroughly so you can digest food properly.

One of the easiest ways to straighten your teeth in Ajax is with Invisalign aligners. The aligners are nearly invisible and can correct a wide range of orthodontic problems, giving you a straighter and more beautiful smile and which is potentially healthier too. Margolian Dentistry uses advanced digital technology to plan teeth straightening procedures, and you get to see a 3D simulation showing how your teeth will look once you complete Invisalign treatment.

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