Is Your Child Still Sucking Their Thumb?

It is normal for young children to suck their thumb, and around half of all children under four will suck a thumb or finger. Babies naturally have an urge to suck on something that gradually decreases as they get older. Very young children will suck a thumb or finger to self-soothe when they feel tired, scared, hungry, or want to sleep. Most children naturally outgrow the habit before their adult teeth come through, which will not impact their oral health. However, children who continue to suck their thumb can face orthodontic problems in Oshawa in the future.

How Does Thumb Sucking Affect Teeth?

Sucking on a thumb or pacifier can result in the lower teeth growing inwards as the thumb rests on these teeth. The action of sucking a thumb can pull the upper front teeth outwards, changing the way the upper palate forms. A thumb or finger sucking habit at this age can cause an underbite or overbite in Ajax. Additionally, children may develop a lisp because of how their jawbone develops.

How to Help Your Child Quit Sucking Their Thumb

If your child is still sucking their thumb, getting them to stop can be a challenge, but there are some simple strategies to try.

Figure out What Is Causing Them to Suck Their Thumb

Often there is some form of trigger or stressful situation that result in a child resorting to sucking their thumb. It can be useful to work out when your child is more likely to suck a thumb or finger and to try to distract them at these times, perhaps by playing with them or singing a song, so they feel safe and reassured and less likely to self-soothe by sucking their thumb.

Use Positive Reinforcement

It can be counter-productive to tell off a child or nag them to stop sucking their thumb, making them more stressed and more likely to continue this habit. Instead, offer lots of praise when they manage to avoid sucking their thumb, and you might also want to think about a reward system. Some parents use stickers, where a child can collect a certain number of stickers before being rewarded with a special trip out, toy, or another event. Make sure your child has a role in deciding what the prize will be, how many slipups are allowed and get them to choose their own stickers and place them on a chart. Other tricks to try include using bitter-tasting nail varnish designed to stop nail biting or encouraging your kid to wear mittens at night.


Gently explain to your child why kicking the habit is so important for their dental health and continue to offer lots of encouragement and reminders to help them quit for good.

What Happens If Thumb Sucking Has Already Affected My Child’s Oral Health?

If your child has had a lot of difficulties quitting thumb sucking and it has caused changes to their oral health, don’t panic, as there are many things we can do to help them here at Margolian Dentistry. Various dental appliances can help break a thumb-sucking habit in Whitby, which can be fixed or removable. Some actively prevent a child from sucking their thumb or finger. Others are designed to gently guide the growth of their facial bones, widening their upper palate. Widening the upper palate ensures there is enough room for the adult teeth to erupt without problems with overcrowding or poor alignment, so they bite together correctly, and your child develops a nice, full and attractive smile.

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