How to Get the Most Benefit from Your Dental Cleaning Appointments

Regular patients will know that we thoroughly recommend professional dental cleanings, usually at the same time as your dental checkups, which for most adults is every six months. Professionally cleaning your teeth can help prevent common dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease in Oshawa.

Why Do I Need My Teeth Cleaned Professionally?

The whole purpose of regular dental cleanings is to get rid of plaque and tartar buildup. These substances contain harmful bacteria that can otherwise cause dental problems. Additionally, a professional dental cleaning provides a much deeper level of cleaning, and you can achieve at home using an ordinary toothbrush and toothpaste. It leaves you with that super fresh feeling and teeth that look brighter and shinier than before. So, how can you get the most benefit from having your teeth cleaned professionally? Follow our easy tips to make the most of your regular dental cleanings.

Follow a Proper Oral Hygiene Routine

Even though you will leave our practice with teeth that feel beautifully clean and smooth, it doesn’t take long for dental plaque to begin building up again. This is why it’s so important to brush your teeth for at least two minutes at a time, at least twice a day, and to floss daily to clean those areas unreachable by your toothbrush.

When brushing your teeth, concentrate on using the proper techniques, holding your toothbrush at a 45° angle to your gums and using gentle circular movements to clean each tooth thoroughly. Concentrate on brushing all tooth surfaces methodically. When you floss, break off a length of floss at least 45 cm long, winding the ends around your fingers so you can manipulate it more easily and wind it on to use a new section between each tooth. If you are unsure about flossing, ask us for help and advice next time you visit Margolian Dentistry. We are always delighted to demonstrate flossing techniques or to discuss other tools to try.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum after meals and between regular toothbrushing can be a great way to freshen your mouth. Chewing gum helps stimulate saliva flow, neutralizing acids produced by bacteria after eating. A good saliva flow helps wash away bacteria and loose food particles. If you can, choose sugar-free chewing gum containing xylitol as this helps inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Watch Your Diet

Your dietary choices and even when you eat these foods can make a tremendous difference to your dental health in Whitby. Try to choose calcium-rich foods like sugar-free dairy products, cheese, yogurt, and leafy greens like broccoli and spinach. These will help strengthen your tooth enamel and protect your jawbone. Crunchy fruits and vegetables like celery, carrots and apples make great snacks between meals because they are high in fibre and have a high water content. Chewing these foods helps increase saliva production, while the high fibre content has a slight scrubbing action on teeth. Protein-rich foods like meat and eggs contain phosphorus, a mineral that works with calcium to help strengthen your bones. If you want something sugary, choose it as part of your main meal when the impact on your teeth is lessened because your mouth is already producing more protective saliva.

Be Aware of Changes to Your Dental Health

In between dental visits, be aware of any changes to your oral health. For example, many people have a condition called dry mouth or xerostomia in Ajax, where they cannot produce enough saliva. We can discuss suitable ways to help manage this condition and reduce the impact on oral health. If you have any sores or ulcers that fail to heal after a couple of weeks, get in touch with our dental office for advice and help.

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