Common Questions About Toothache

General dentists in Whitby often see people with toothache, and usually, it’s a routine problem that is easily treated. However, not surprisingly, patients tend to have questions about what causes it and what they should do initially. Below are some of the answers to the most commonly asked questions about toothache.

What Causes Toothache?

Several factors can cause toothache; sometimes, the reason may not be immediately obvious. Frequently, the problem is due to a cavity or a loose or failing filling that has enabled an infection to develop inside the tooth, eventually reaching the tooth nerve in the dental pulp. Other times, the tooth nerve can become inflamed and painful if you take a blow to the mouth.

Toothache can be linked to other problems in Oshawa, such as teeth grinding and clenching. It may be due to a sinus infection as the sinus cavities are located just above the upper back teeth and are normally air-filled spaces. If you have a sinus infection, these spaces can become filled with mucus, placing pressure on the tooth roots of the upper back teeth and resulting in tooth pain.

What Does Toothache Feel Like?

Toothache differs for everybody, and the degree of pain can depend on the reason. Some people find toothache develops gradually as a dull ache. Others experience a sharp shooting pain that may only be present when they bite down. You may only feel pain when you eat or drink anything very hot or cold or sweet or sour or when you brush your teeth too hard.

How Long Will Toothache Last?

Some tooth pain can last for days or even weeks, but if an infected nerve causes it, you may be lulled into a false sense of security if the pain disappears. This can happen if the tooth nerve dies, so the pain disappears, but the infection remains. Any toothache is a sign that you must contact your dentist in Ajax for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Although there are various home remedies for toothache, these are only temporary, and you should always see a dental professional.

What Happens When I See a Dentist for Toothache?

As soon as you contact Margolian Dentistry for help with a toothache, our friendly and compassionate dental team can offer immediate advice over the phone on controlling the pain and discomfort and get you booked to see a dentist quickly. When someone has a dental emergency, we try to see them as soon as possible, preferably on the same day.

When you see your dentist, they can gently assess the tooth and ask questions about your symptoms. A digital dental x-ray enables them to assess the damage to the tooth more clearly so that if it is infected, they can see the extent of the infection and devise a suitable treatment plan.

How Is Toothache Treated?

Many procedures are available for treating toothache, depending on the cause. When the tooth nerve is infected or inflamed, root canal therapy can quickly relieve the pain, eliminating the infection. Painful teeth due to bruxism will require a different treatment, as the problem with teeth grinding and clenching must be treated, and we can provide appropriate restorative care for teeth damaged by this habit. If you have painful and sensitive teeth, other treatments that can be useful include topical applications of professional strength fluoride to help harden the tooth enamel, protecting the outside of the tooth. We may also suggest using toothpaste for sensitive teeth or other treatments like dental bonding.

If you have a tooth or teeth that have started to ache or twinge uncomfortably, please contact us soon. The more quickly we can assess and treat the problem, the less chance it will develop into a much more painful and expensive situation.

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