Choosing the Right Toothbrush: Pros and Cons of Manual and Electric Toothbrushes

Your toothbrush is the most important piece of equipment for helping you maintain healthy teeth and gums in Oshawa. It’s essential to make the right choice to ensure you have a toothbrush you feel comfortable using and can easily hold and manipulate.

However, choosing the best toothbrush in Whitby isn’t always as straightforward as it seems, as the choice is massive. If you look in your local pharmacy or supermarket, you will find an extraordinary range of different toothbrushes, including manual and electric brushes. The costs can range from just a few dollars to several hundred dollars for the top-of-the-range electric models.

If you are confused, here are a few tips for choosing the right toothbrush, but otherwise, you can always ask for help and advice when you next visit Margolian Dentistry.


Getting the right-sized toothbrush head is essential, and bigger isn’t necessarily better! The toothbrush head needs to be small enough to fit it right to the back of your mouth, ensuring you can clean all the surfaces of those hard-to-reach molars. The toothbrush handle should be long enough to hold it comfortably. If you have an especially small mouth, you might feel more comfortable choosing a child-sized toothbrush.


It is easy to imagine that a hard-bristled toothbrush is the best choice for cleaning teeth thoroughly, but choosing a hard-bristled toothbrush could damage your teeth and gums. Instead, look for a toothbrush with soft bristles that should be rounded on the ends. Thoroughly cleaning your teeth is all about using the proper techniques and cleaning them for the right length of time, for at least two minutes.

Manual or Electric?

Generally, you can achieve equally good results with a manual toothbrush, provided you clean your teeth properly. However, electric toothbrushes can make cleaning your teeth easier, making them a popular choice.

Pros of Choosing a Manual Toothbrush

A manual toothbrush is cheap, and you can purchase a decent enough toothbrush virtually anywhere. You don’t need to worry about recharging it; you can simply throw it away three months or so later when you need to replace it.

Cons of Choosing a Manual Toothbrush

It is incredibly easy to overestimate the time you spend brushing your teeth, and one of the problems with using a manual toothbrush is that you could end up brushing your teeth for under two minutes. If you prefer a manual toothbrush, make sure you time yourself using a smartphone or keep the timer in the bathroom. Also, a manual toothbrush can be harder for some people to manipulate, especially anyone with dexterity problems.

Pros of Choosing an Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are super easy to use, and the larger handle can be more comfortable to hold. There is no problem with not cleaning your teeth for long enough as electric toothbrushes will time you automatically. They will usually alert you when it is time to move on to another section of your mouth to ensure you clean all your teeth thoroughly. They often come with multiple settings, for example, allowing you to deep clean your teeth by cleaning them for longer than two minutes, massage your gums, or use a teeth whitening cleaning program.

Cons of Using an Electric Toothbrush

The major downside of choosing an electric toothbrush is the initial expense, and you will still need to replace the toothbrush head as regularly as a manual toothbrush. However, using an electric toothbrush could help you clean your teeth more thoroughly, resulting in lower dental bills in Ajax. Some people initially find the vibration created by an electric toothbrush difficult to become accustomed to.

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