What is a Root Canal, and Will It Hurt?

When you hear of someone needing a root canal, there is often an expectation that it will be painful, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Instead, root canal therapy in Oshawa can save teeth that are severely infected or damaged.

Far from being a painful procedure, root canal therapy shouldn’t feel much different from having an ordinary filling, but the actual procedure can take longer because it is technique sensitive. Most often, the discomfort of a root canal is experienced before treatment, and a severe tooth infection in Whitby can be extremely painful.

What Is a Root Canal?

Inside every tooth is a pulp chamber right at the center. The pulp chamber contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues that help a tooth grow and develop. These tissues extend into the tooth roots in root canals. The tissues in these root canals transport vital nutrients to the tooth. Usually, the pulp chamber is protected as it is surrounded by a layer of dentin that is in turn covered by tooth enamel.

However, if a tooth becomes damaged, the tissues inside the pulp chamber can become inflamed and infected and need removing to save the tooth. If these tissues aren’t removed and the infection and inflammation eliminated, there is a real risk the tooth will need extraction. We work hard to avoid this, and whenever possible, here at Margolian Dentistry, we will always try to save your natural teeth.

During root canal treatment, all the tissues inside the dental pulp and the root canals are removed thoroughly. You don’t need the tooth nerve for a tooth to function properly once it has emerged through the gums. Its only real function is to let you know if something you are eating is hot or cold. However, after root canal therapy in Ajax, a tooth is non-vital and can become more brittle and susceptible to fracture over time. For this reason, we almost always recommend protecting a tooth that has received root canal therapy with a dental crown.

What Are the Symptoms That a Tooth Is Infected or Inflamed?

A tooth infection can occur if a tooth is damaged, allowing bacteria to get inside the pulp chamber. Signs of a tooth infection include severe toothache that may be continual and throbbing or where a tooth hurts when you bite down. The gum around the tooth could look swollen and feel tender, and you might notice a pimple on the gum nearest the tooth where pus created by the infection is causing an abscess and building up. Whenever you eat something hot or cold, your tooth could feel extra sensitive. Sometimes there are no symptoms present, and this can happen if the tooth nerve has already died because of the infection.

What Happens During Root Canal Therapy?

Usually, root canal therapy will require several visits to our dental office. First, we need to x-ray the tooth and root canals to determine the extent of the infection and inflammation. Next, the tooth is numbed with local anesthetic to ensure you feel relaxed and comfortable during treatment. Our dentist then makes a small access hole in the tooth to see the pulp chamber and clean it out thoroughly using special tools. We use high magnification microscopes during this procedure to help ensure all infected and inflamed tissues are removed properly. Afterward, the tooth is disinfected and can be sealed with a filling material called gutta-percha. Sometimes a post is inserted into the tooth to help provide additional support. Finally, we can make a new crown to cover the damaged tooth, restoring it to look and feel natural and comfortable.

If you do have a toothache, please come and see us as soon as you can. There is always a better chance that we can save the tooth when we can treat you sooner.

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