Sleep Dentistry: Is Dental Sedation Right for You?

Sleep dentistry is also called sedation dentistry, and that is a more accurate name as often with sedation dentistry, you will not be asleep during the procedure but might feel sleepy. It can be a very useful option for anyone who fears seeing the dentist in Oshawa.

Dental fears and anxieties are quite common, and an estimated 60% of people have some degree of dental anxiety. Unfortunately, some people let these feelings deter them from seeing a dentist in Whitby. With sedation dentistry, there is no need. You can receive dental sedation to ensure you feel relaxed and comfortable in the dental chair.

What Are the Advantages of Having Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry in Ajax is an effective way to receive essential or elective dental care without feelings of fear and anxiety. It’s extremely useful for anyone who has resisted seeing a dentist because of these feelings and who might need more extensive treatment to help restore dental health. It’s also very useful for anyone requiring complex dental care, allowing dentists to complete more treatments during a single visit.

If you have delayed essential dental care because of dental fears or would love to have more complex treatments like dental implants, sedation dentistry could help you. Treatment can also be very useful for anyone with a strong gag reflex or a small mouth that makes dental work less comfortable. It can be especially helpful for anyone who may have had a bad experience with dental care in the past. When you visit our dental practice, we can discuss the reasons for your dental fears and anxieties. We can help you overcome them, providing gentle, compassionate dental care and, when needed, sedation dentistry.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

A dental sedative is administered to help you feel relaxed, relieving feelings of fear and anxiety. The level of sedation is adjusted for each patient and can range from relatively mild sedation to a deeper level of sedation where you might feel sleepy. During sedation dentistry, your dentist in Ajax monitors you continuously to make sure you feel comfortable, adjusting the level of sedation as needed. Several types of sedation dentistry could help you.

Nitrous Oxide

Better known as laughing gas, the gas is inhaled during your treatment. A small mask is fitted over your nose, and the Nitrous oxide takes effect very quickly. You will soon feel much calmer and more comfortable in the dental chair. Once we remove the mask, the Nitrous oxide is quickly eliminated from your body, and you soon return to normal. You can even drive yourself home.

Oral Conscious Sedation

This form of sedation is slightly deeper than Nitrous oxide, and you will be given an oral sedative to take about an hour before your appointment. By the time you sit in the dental chair, you will already feel very relaxed. Sometimes this form of sedation is used in conjunction with laughing gas to help enhance the effects.

Intravenous Sedation

With intravenous sedation, you will feel deeply relaxed during treatment as the sedative is given intravenously throughout the procedure. This form of sedation is sometimes also called twilight dentistry because you will be in a twilight state where you could easily fall asleep, but we can still awaken you if we need to ask you any questions and check you are okay.

Making Sure You Are Safe during Sedation Dentistry

As with any dental procedure completed here at Margolian Dentistry, our main concern is your health and well-being. We want to ensure you are kept as safe as possible during your visit. Before we recommend any form of sedation dentistry, we always review a patient’s medical history carefully to make sure treatment is appropriate. While you are being treated, we monitor you closely to make sure you are comfortable.

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