Laser Dentistry: A More Comfortable and Precise Treatment

Our regular patients will know that we always invest in the best technologies, so you benefit from treatments that are up-to-date, safe and effective, and as comfortable as possible.

Margolian Dentistry is equipped with an advanced dental laser capable of treating soft tissues like gums and hard tissues like teeth and bones. Not every dental laser is suitable for both, and ours is particularly gentle. The laser energy is combined with a spray of water for increased comfort.

What are the Advantages of Laser Dentistry?

Laser dentistry in Oshawa is predictable and safe, using a concentrated beam of energy to remove tissues gently. It’s also extremely precise, allowing us to cut and reshaped issues more accurately so that healthy tissue is preserved intact. Laser dentistry produces less swelling, so healing is quicker and more comfortable, and treatment is minimally invasive. As soft tissues are cut, the laser energy automatically seals any small blood vessels, so there is less bleeding, gums can heal more quickly, and there is less chance of infection during healing.  Because treatment is more comfortable, you may not even need local anesthetic, and there is less discomfort afterwards.

When to Choose Laser Dentistry?

Our Whitby dentists use laser dentistry in a variety of applications. We might suggest this treatment when providing gum therapy, treating cavities in teeth and during root canal therapy. Laser dentistry is also useful for taking biopsies or removing lesions and during tooth removal and dental implant treatment.

Gum Therapies Using Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry can be used if you have gum disease. This bacterial infection can destroy gums and other structures around teeth, eventually causing tooth loss and affecting overall health. When treating gum disease, it is important to remove as much of the infection as possible, so your immune system can fight the bacteria more effectively, and gums can begin to heal.  The energy of a dental laser is especially effective for treating gum disease as it helps to sterilize the areas in question, getting rid of harmful bacteria. Sometimes gum tissue is too badly damaged to heal, and a dental laser can remove it more accurately, preserving healthy tissue more effectively.

Another reason for choosing laser dentistry is to correct a gummy smile, where you show an excess of gum tissue during smiling and talking. A dental laser can remove the excess gum with a high degree of accuracy, helping to reshape the gums, so they frame your teeth nicely.

Root Canal Therapy Using Laser Dentistry

Root canal therapy is necessary when the inner part of a tooth becomes severely infected. Treatment involves removing all the infected tissue before the tooth is sealed and restored permanently with a dental crown. Often, it’s quite tricky to remove all the infected tissue from deep inside the root canals in the tooth roots. Laser dentistry helps to disinfect the tooth more efficiently, so there is a greater chance the treatment will be a long-term success.

Treating Tooth Decay with Laser Dentistry

If you have a cavity in a tooth, it can be reshaped and prepared for a dental filling using a dental laser. The laser is also far quieter than an ordinary dental drill, something that nervous or anxious patients particularly like.

Taking Biopsies and Removing Lesions with Laser Dentistry

Usually, if a dentist needs to take a small sample of tissue from your lips, cheeks or gums, or another area in your mouth, they must remove the tissue using a scalpel. Laser dentistry is more comfortable and faster. If you suffer from mouth ulcers, a dental laser can provide relief, especially when used in the early stages, when you get those first warning tingles.

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