How to Refresh Your Smile for Summer

The longer, warmer days are enough to make anyone smile. But if your teeth could do with a little help, now is the time to think seriously about how to refresh your smile. There are numerous services available and which could help you. If it has been a while since you visited Margolian Dentistry, the best place to start is with a simple dental checkup and hygiene appointment.

Why Begin with a Checkup and Dental Clean?
Regular checkups are essential for maintaining an optimal level of oral health, even if you are meticulous about your daily dental care routine. They allow us to monitor your dental health closely, and to provide any necessary treatments and to adjust your treatment plan if needed. Our hygienist can professionally clean your teeth, removing plaque and tartar buildup in hard to reach areas. Once we know your smile is healthy, we can discuss possible ways to refresh it. Our dentist in Whitby can provide an exciting range of treatments to meet all your needs and desires.

Potential Solutions to Refresh Your Smile
Solutions that could interest you include teeth whitening, tooth coloured fillings, porcelain veneers, crown and bridges, and Invisalign, which is an adult-oriented braces system.

Teeth Whitening
A professional teeth whitening treatment is one of the fastest ways to improve the overall appearance of your teeth. It is highly suitable if you are generally happy with the way your teeth look but dislike their colour. Over time, teeth can stain and look dull. Philips Zoom Whitening will lift the colour of your teeth by several shades during a single in-office appointment. Our custom home whitening kits will help to keep your teeth looking their gleaming best.

Tooth Coloured Fillings
White fillings can stain as the age and need replacing periodically. If you have older silver fillings, replacing these with tooth coloured fillings can brighten your smile while protecting your teeth.

Porcelain Veneers
Chipped, cracked or internally stained teeth, or which are too small or not quite the right shape can be covered with porcelain veneers in Oshawa. We use the very latest digital technology and the best quality materials to make porcelain veneers, and each is custom designed for optimal results.

Porcelain Crowns and Bridges
Crowns can restore and protect teeth damaged by trauma or decay, while bridges can restore teeth that are missing. We use the highest quality materials to create strong, beautiful, and precision fitted restorations. These crowns and bridges can be made entirely from ceramics which look fabulous and ensure you can bite and chew comfortably.

Same Day Crowns, Bridges and Veneers
We use the most advanced technologies to make our restorations, digitally scanning teeth to create 3D models. Your restoration is then designed using specialized software, and the design is sent to the on-site milling machine. This machine creates precision-made restorations from pure, pre-shaded porcelain blocks. The restorations are then hand finished and ready to fit in just a few hours, eliminating the need for a temporary prosthesis that can be uncomfortable.

Invisalign is an adult-oriented braces system using clear plastic aligners instead of unsightly metal brackets and wires to reposition teeth. It is extremely discreet and able to correct most common problems with tooth alignment, bite issues and overcrowding or unsightly spaces between teeth. Although Invisalign will take a little longer to complete, the treatment outcome can make it well worthwhile. What is even nicer is that you can preview your new smile before you begin treatment. It is a great way to decide if Invisalign is for you and could help to refresh your smile in Ajax.

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