How to Help Your Child Grow Up with a Healthy Smile

Margolian Dentistry is a family-oriented dental practice, providing expert dental care for adults and children. Our patients already know that we pride ourselves on providing a friendly, warm and welcoming environment for everyone, and especially for kids. Our rooms have large screen televisions to help make children’s visits more enjoyable and fun. We go out of our way to treat them gently, helping to make every trip to the dentist a positive experience.

We encourage parents to bring children in for their first dental visit between ages one and two. Although this may seem very young, it’s the ideal age for a child to become accustomed to visiting a dentist regularly. Also, without the proper care, baby teeth can become decayed soon after they first appear, which is typically from six months onwards.

When tooth decay affects infants and toddlers, it most frequently affects the upper front teeth, but it can occur in other teeth also. Sometimes toddlers will have such severe tooth decay that there is no other option but to remove the tooth. The good news is that with proper preventive dentistry, your child can avoid the risk of tooth decay.

By the time a child is three years old, they will most likely have a full set of 20 primary or baby teeth. As they grow, their jaws also grow, which helps to create more room for their permanent teeth. When you bring your child to see our dentist in Oshawa regularly, we can carefully check their teeth for any signs of tooth decay and can make sure their jaws are developing normally. We can gently clean their teeth professionally and can provide you with lots of helpful advice on how to care for their teeth at home. We’ve also included a few tips below.

  • Begin cleaning your child’s mouth soon after birth. Use a clean damp washcloth or a dampened piece of gauze to wipe their gums gently after feeding. Cleaning their mouth helps them become accustomed to the sensation of having their mouth cleaned.
  • Children begin getting their first teeth around age six months to a year, and they receive their front four teeth first. If your child seems a bit late in getting their teeth, don’t panic as some children don’t get their first tooth until age 12 or 14 months.
  • As soon as they have their first teeth, you need to begin brushing them gently. Use a soft-bristled baby toothbrush and a smear of toothpaste. Our dentist in Whitby can advise you on the best type of toothpaste to use, and it’s vital not to use too much as your child won’t have the ability to spit out the excess just yet.
  • When your child’s teeth begin to contact each other, you will need to start cleaning between them every day. We can help you with this task, showing you the proper techniques to make it easier and more comfortable for you both.
  • For children aged younger than three, you must brush their teeth morning and night using only a little fluoride toothpaste, equivalent to a grain of rice.
  • Children over age 3 need to have their teeth brushed with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste, again making sure you brush their teeth thoroughly twice a day. If your child wants to begin brushing on their own, supervise them, and you may need to clean their teeth afterwards or use your hand to guide them so they learn the right brushing techniques.
  • When your child is old enough, our Ajax dentist will work with them directly, teaching them how to clean their teeth like a professional!

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