How to Ensure Your Smile Remains Bright and Healthy This Festive Season

The holiday season is well underway, and many of us are preparing to indulge a little in all the festive treats available at this time of year. However, it is worth bearing in mind how this could impact your teeth and gums and taking steps to avoid damaging your dental health in Oshawa while still having a good time.

Everyone knows that sugary foods can cause cavities, but it’s not about how much sugar you eat but rather how long the sugar remains to coat your teeth. Whenever you eat something sweet, it feeds bacteria found in dental plaque, and these produce acids. The acid softens tooth enamel and, eventually, over time, can cause cavities. After you eat something sweet, your mouth remains acidic for at least half an hour until gradually pH levels start to normalize.

Eating Sweet Treats Mindfully

If you want to have a sugary beverage or something sweet, enjoy it during a meal because you will already be producing more saliva, helping to neutralize the acid produced by harmful bacteria in your mouth. Also, plenty of saliva helps to wash away loose food particles and sugars.

Choose Candies Carefully

You’ll be enjoying sticky toffee and caramels for much longer compared with candies that melt easily like chocolate. Also, sticky sweets tend to become stuck around your teeth, and even when you brush your teeth, they can be difficult to remove. Sour candies are also very popular but are not tooth-friendly as they are frequently very acidic, having the same effect on teeth as the acids produced by bacteria. Hard candies can easily chip or crack a tooth, and it can be trickier to find an emergency dentist in Whitby over the holiday season.

Focus on Mouth Healthy Treats

The good news is that there are plenty of holiday treats that won’t harm your teeth, such as seasonal fresh fruits, dips like hummus and cheese. Cheese is great for teeth as it has high levels of calcium and phosphate, which help strengthen your tooth enamel, and cheese helps balance the pH levels in your mouth.

Don’t Use Your Teeth as Tools

Tempting as it might be to tear into hard-to-open presents with your teeth, reach for the scissors to cut those ribbons and Sellotape instead, and never use your teeth to open bottles. You won’t feel very festive if you crack or break a tooth and need to have an emergency dental appointment in Ajax that could have been avoided.

Brush Your Teeth Regularly

No matter how busy or tired you feel, take the time to brush your teeth at least twice each day and floss once a day. It will take you ten minutes or less to follow this routine, and that is time everyone can find each day. Be sure to choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and use fluoride toothpaste to help protect your oral health. Afterwards, spit but don’t rinse to leave a thin layer of fluoride covering your teeth. If you like to use mouthwash, ideally wait fifteen minutes after brushing to give your fluoride toothpaste time to do its job.

Traveling? Be Prepared

If you are traveling during the holidays or even if you are going out for the day, pack a dental travel kit with a toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, dental floss and anything else you use during your dental routine. Many people forget to pack their toothbrush because they use it on the day they travel, so be prepared and purchase a travel toothbrush if necessary.

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