How to Enjoy Optimal Oral Health during Your Summer Vacation

Summer is here, and many people are looking forward to a family vacation very soon, taking some time to relax and recharge. However, summer can also be a time when dental health in Whitby becomes less of a priority. Here are some easy tips to help ensure you and your family maintain good oral health all summer long and beyond.

Make Sure Your Dental Care Is Up To Date before Going Away

Ideally, ensure you are up to date with your dental appointments at Margolian Dentistry before you go. Schedule a dental checkup and clean in Oshawa, especially if you have recently noticed one or two niggles. Our dentist can check your dental health, clean your teeth professionally, and provide treatment for any issues before you go. It’s far easier to deal with dental problems or emergencies at home. Before going, make sure you have contact details for our practice in your phone just in case you have any problems and need to schedule an appointment for as soon as you get home or need dental advice while you are away.

Don’t Forget to Pack Your Toothbrush

Before you go, consider buying new travel toothbrushes so you can pack everything well in advance, including your favourite toothpaste and dental floss. You don’t want to be spending your precious vacation time trying to track down decent dental supplies.

While away, try to ensure you follow your regular oral care routine. If you are having a good time, it can be easy to neglect to brush and floss your teeth, especially if you are tired and doing activities outside your normal routine. However, please remember it only takes a few minutes to brush and floss and that maintaining good oral care goes a long way to ensure your mouth remains healthy.

Pack a Lip Balm with a Good SPF

When packing your sun protection, ensure it includes a lip balm with a good SPF factor of at least 15. It’s all too easy to end up with sunburned lips, which can be extremely painful, so make sure you reapply the lip balm every couple of hours, especially as it’s easy to lick it off.

Drink Water

Water is the best beverage to remain well hydrated and protect your oral health, so pack refillable water bottles for the family. During the summer, many people prefer to have other beverages like juices, sports drinks, and ice cold sodas, and these can seem refreshing but are often packed with sugar. If you want to indulge now and then, use a drinking straw to minimize contact between your teeth and these liquids, and swish your mouth with water afterwards to help wash away excess sugars more quickly. Try to make the most of the summer by snacking on seasonal fresh fruit rather than drinking juice.

Think about When You’re Going to Enjoy Sweet Treats

Everyone likes to enjoy a sweet treat now and then, especially when you are on vacation, and with a bit of planning, you can make sure the risk to your oral health is minimized. When you want ice cream or dessert, have it as part of your main meal rather than as a snack. After eating, you are already producing more saliva that will help wash away excess sugars and reduce acidity in your mouth, restoring a more normal pH more quickly.

Finally, if your summer involves lots of sports, ensure you have a well-fitting custom-made sports mouthguard in Ajax. They don’t cost very much and provide maximum protection for your precious pearly whites.

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