How to Cope with Bad Breath

Nobody wants to be told they have bad breath, but you don’t need to feel embarrassed as it can happen to anyone, and there are lots of steps you can take to remedy this situation. It is very difficult to tell if you have bad breath in Whitby as it’s tricky to smell your own breath, so people are often blissfully unaware of this problem until a close friend or relative has a discreet word.

Sometimes it’s possible to fix bad breath by following the easy tips below. However, if these don’t help within a week or so, make an appointment to come and see us here at Margolian Dentistry for professional help and advice. Bad breath in Oshawa can be caused by dental problems or health problems like acid reflux, sinus infections, liver and kidney diseases and lung infections. When you see our dentist, we can soon assess if you have any dental problems that could be causing bad breath and can talk about suitable treatments to help restore fresh breath.

Clean Your Teeth Thoroughly

Many problems with bad breath or halitosis are due to lax oral hygiene. This could be the problem if you have been failing to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly just recently. Any small particles of food that remain trapped between your teeth will gradually rot, giving off noxious odours. These food particles also feed bacteria found in dental plaque. Dental plaque is a sticky biofilm that quickly begins to coat your tooth surfaces between regular brushing and flossing, as well as on your tongue.

Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice daily, paying attention so that you thoroughly clean each tooth surface. It should take you at least two minutes to clean your teeth properly. Don’t forget to floss daily, and it’s up to you whether you choose to floss your teeth before brushing or afterwards, first thing in the morning or last thing at night. It doesn’t matter so long as you do it every day at a time you find convenient and when it can more easily become a habit.

Brush Your Tongue

Brushing your teeth and flossing every day might not be enough to fix bad breath, so another tip is to try brushing or scraping your tongue. You can buy a dedicated tongue scraper for just a few dollars or use your toothbrush to brush your tongue gently when you brush your teeth.

Choose the Right Foods for Fresh Breath

Including plenty of fibre-rich fruits and vegetables can help scrub food and bacteria cling to your teeth and tongue between regular brushing and flossing. Foods like apples, carrots and celery have a high fibre content and contain plenty of water, helping to keep your breath a bit fresher. It’s also a good idea to avoid eating too many sweet foods containing refined sugar as these allow noxious-smelling bacteria to thrive.

Take Action against Dry Mouth

Dry mouth or xerostomia in Ajax is a common problem often caused by medications. When you produce less saliva, it is easier for dental plaque bacteria to build up in your mouth, so you are more likely to have bad breath, and the risk of dental disease also increases. If your doctor has recently prescribed medicine and you have noticed your mouth is drier, try to counteract the effects by drinking water or using an over-the-counter saliva substitute. Another tip is to try chewing sugar-free gum, as this can help to stimulate saliva flow. Ideally, look for a gum containing xylitol, as this helps to disrupt the growth of harmful bacteria. Our dentists can also offer helpful advice on how to cope with dry mouth.

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