How Can I Keep My Teeth for Life?

With the right preventive dental care in Oshawa, it is possible to maintain healthy, strong teeth. It’s important to look after your teeth and gums to help protect your overall health and make sure you have a good daily routine of brushing and flossing. Regular checkups and hygiene appointments at Margolian Dentistry are equally as important. Your dental care needs do change throughout life, so we provide a custom preventive dental care plan for every patient. The plan takes into account your unique dental health needs and your age. Listed below are some tips on how dental care changes at every stage of life.

Babies and Toddlers

Usually, babies will begin to get their first teeth around age six months and ideally, they should have their first trip to the dentist between ages one and two. Children soon become accustomed to visiting a dental practice regularly, which helps build positive experiences, so they grow up free from dental fear and anxiety. Children who visit a dentist regularly are far more likely to develop good oral care habits that last into adulthood. We love seeing young children and can offer parents useful advice on cleaning children’s teeth, tooth-friendly foods, and oral habits like thumb sucking.

Kids and Teenagers

Most children start to lose their milk teeth around age six, and it is extremely important they have a good oral care routine by this age. As children get older, our dental team can work with them directly, teaching them how to look after their teeth and gums and gently explaining why good dental health matters. Parents need to set a good example by caring for their teeth and encouraging a healthy diet protecting dental health. We also monitor the development of children’s teeth and jaws as some kids may benefit from orthodontics in Whitby. During their late teens, these young adults begin to get their wisdom teeth, and we keep an eye on the development of these teeth in case they need to be removed.


Adults need to take equally good care of their teeth and gums as children ensuring they brush at least twice a day and floss every day. Even though life may seem busy, it’s important to see a dentist in Ajax every six months for a checkup and clean. It is the easiest, quickest and most cost-effective way to ensure oral diseases like cavities, tooth infections and gum disease are detected at a stage when treatment is much simpler.


Pregnant women should see their dentist as soon as possible. Ideally, they should get a prepregnancy checkup to ensure they have a healthy mouth and that any necessary dental treatment can be carried out beforehand. Routine dentistry is perfectly safe during pregnancy, and it could be more harmful to leave a dental problem untreated. Also, the hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the risk of pregnancy gingivitis, a form of gum disease. When this is the case, women may benefit from more frequent dental cleanings to help manage this condition.


Hopefully, by the time you are a senior, you will be enjoying all the benefits of having looked after your mouth throughout your life. However, it’s never too late to start looking after your dental health, and at this stage, it’s even more essential to make sure you have regular dental checkups. You should see a dentist regularly, even if you have dentures. As you head towards retirement, it’s also a time when you want to enjoy life. This may mean investigating cosmetic dentistry or replacing missing teeth with a long-term solution like dental implants for some people.

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