Foods to Help Prevent Cavities on Your Teeth

Most people are all too well aware that eating lots of sugary foods is bad news for their teeth, considerably increasing the risk of tooth decay. However, fewer people know that eating certain foods can help prevent cavities in Oshawa by providing protein or other specific nutrients to help strengthen tooth enamel and fight decay.

Crunchy Fruits and Veggies

Eating crunchy fruits and veggies provides you with plenty of nutrients and fibre. The high fibre content means you need to chew these foods substantially, which stimulates the flow of saliva. Saliva is great for dental health because it helps wash away excess food particles and some bacteria and generally helps keep your mouth clean between regular brushing and flossing. Also, the high fibre content provides a slight scrubbing action on teeth, helping to remove some plaque. Although some fruits are high in sugar, the amount of water and fibre in them is enough to balance out these effects.

Dairy Products and Cheese

Unsweetened dairy products like milk and yogurt are an excellent source of calcium, which can help to remineralize and strengthen tooth enamel, lowering the risk of dental caries in Whitby. Many people love cheese, and if you are among them, here’s another great reason for eating more cheese: it is excellent for teeth, particularly hard cheese. Cheese contains protein and plenty of calcium, both of which help strengthen and protect your tooth enamel. In addition, chewing on cheese helps reduce acidity levels in the mouth, increasing pH levels and lowering your risk of cavities.

Lean Meats

Lean meats such as chicken are another good source of protein and are great for teeth. Eggs are another good way to get more protein.


If you prefer not to eat meat, munch on nuts instead, as they contain protein, calcium and phosphorus, which are great for protecting tooth enamel. Also, nuts are very crunchy and eating them stimulates the saliva glands, which can further protect your teeth.


Seafood such as lobsters and fish are a good source of lean protein, and most will also contain fluoride. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral well known for its beneficial effect on dental health. Fish is also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. It has been suggested that Omega 3 can help make it easier for gums to heal, so if you have signs of gum disease in Ajax, look to include more fish in your diet in addition, of course, to seeing your dentist for professional care.

Choose Your Beverages with Care

Diet sodas, sports drinks, and fruit juices are all popular choices, but can cause harm to your teeth, especially if you prefer to sip these drinks over a long time. Fruit juice and sports drinks are often laden with sugars that feed harmful bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria then create acids that weaken tooth enamel, eventually causing cavities. Likewise, diet drinks are often high in harmful acids that soften tooth enamel. While it’s important to stay hydrated, the best drink for your teeth is plain water, and if you do want fruit juice or a similar beverage, try drinking it through a straw to limit contact with your teeth and rinse your mouth with water afterwards.

Don’t Forget to Brush and Floss

A good diet is any part of the equation, and it’s still important to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly and regularly. No matter your diet, your teeth still become covered with a plaque biofilm each day, containing harmful bacteria that will gradually erode your tooth enamel and cause gum disease.

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