Ensuring Halloween is Less Scary for Teeth

Stores are already full of pumpkins and large packs of candies ready to celebrate Halloween. Even if your kids are doing Halloween a little differently this year, their plans may still involve candy, and with it, the risk of cavities. No one wants to be a Halloween killjoy, so how can you make sure your family enjoys the celebrations while still maintaining strong and healthy teeth in Oshawa?

With a little bit of thought, you can ensure your children find a balance between enjoying some candies while still looking after their teeth.

Avoid Hard and Chewy Candies

Cavities are created when tooth enamel becomes damaged. The damage is caused by bacteria in the mouth, as the numbers of bacteria present increases after consuming sugar because they thrive on sugary leftovers. The acid produced by these bacteria softens tooth enamel, increasing the risk of dental caries or cavities in teeth. In addition, the longer sugar remains in the mouth, the greater the risk of tooth decay. So, eating very sticky and hard candies that take longer to chew and dissolve puts your child’s teeth at greater risk of caries in Whitby. Also, eating very hard candies can break or chip a tooth, especially if a kid bites down too hard.

Eat Candy Straight after a Meal

The best time to eat candy is straight after a meal. After eating a meal, it’s easier to be satisfied with a small amount of candy. Also, you produce more saliva after eating, and increased saliva helps wash away candy faster, limiting the time sugar lingers in the mouth. After your child has finished eating candy, encourage them to crunch down on an apple. A fresh juicy apple has lots of fibre, so it has a slight scrubbing action on teeth, helping to wash away more sugar and plaque from teeth, although it definitely isn’t a substitute for brushing and flossing later.

Choose Dark Chocolate

Although dark chocolate might not be such a popular choice amongst kids, if you can, encourage your child to choose dark chocolate over milk. Dark chocolate has less sugar and contains some antioxidants, although when eaten in large quantities is still harmful to teeth. However, overall, chocolate is a better choice for teeth because it melts more quickly compared with hard or sticky candies.

Don’t Keep All the Candy

Some kids can end up with a huge stash of candy after Halloween, including lots they don’t really like but may end eating for the sake of it. So instead, decide with your child how much candy they will keep and get them to choose their favourites. The rest can be donated, or you can even freeze it for a treat later in the year.

Drink Water

Instead of providing sugary beverages like sports drinks and soda, encourage everyone in your family to drink more water and not just at Halloween. Tap water is safe and free, and purchasing a refillable water bottle is a great way to be more eco-friendly.

Don’t Forget to Schedule Checkups for the Whole Family

Margolian Dentistry is a family-oriented dental practice in Ajax, and we encourage everyone to see us for regular dental checkups and professional dental cleanings biannually. We love seeing kids, and our dental team is great at patient education, getting children involved in their oral hygiene routine, so they understand why it’s so important and showing them the proper brushing and flossing techniques. If you or another family member suspect you have a problem with your teeth, don’t wait until your checkup is due but contact us straight away.

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