Easy Tips for Coping with Dry Mouth

It’s not unusual to find your mouth is occasionally dry, but some people have a dry mouth all the time. Dry mouth is a common side-effect of over the counter and prescription medications or habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol. No matter the cause, dry mouth is uncomfortable and can affect your dental health, increasing your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Saliva is essential for ensuring your mouth remains fresh and comfortable, and it has several other important functions as well. These include neutralizing acids that can weaken tooth enamel and helping to wash away bacteria and loose food particles. Saliva also provides minerals that help fight cavities.
Listed below are a few easy tips to help you cope with dry mouth in Oshawa.

Watch Your Diet
Eating spicy or salty foods can irritate your mouth, and if you have dry mouth, these effects can worsen. Instead, look for meals with reduced salt content and which contain less spicy ingredients.

Avoid Drinking Too Much Caffeine
Caffeine is present in tea, coffee and is often in pop. Because caffeine is a mild diuretic, it can promote fluid loss, worsening dry mouth. If possible, try to limit your amount of caffeine, and get into the habit of reading the labels of soda and other drinks.

Drink Plenty of Water
Water is excellent for oral health in Whitby and for your entire body. It is the major component in saliva, so make sure you are well-hydrated. Keep a refillable water bottle or a large glass of water nearby and get into the habit of sipping it frequently throughout the day.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum
Chewing sugar-free gum can help to stimulate saliva flow. Look for gum containing xylitol as this helps to interrupt the action of harmful bacteria, giving your oral health a little more protection. If you don’t like chewing gum, try sugar-free candies or mints instead.

Don’t Smoke or Use Tobacco Products
Smoking is terrible for your oral health and especially if you have dry mouth. Tobacco slows down saliva flow, gives you bad breath and stains your teeth. If that weren’t enough, using tobacco products increases your risk of oral cancer.

Moderate Your Alcohol Consumption
Even moderate amounts of alcohol can irritate the soft tissues in the mouth, and it is a diuretic too. It is best to limit your alcohol consumption or even to avoid it entirely. Also, if you use mouthwash, make sure it is alcohol-free.

Use a Humidifier in Your Bedroom
Dry air can aggravate many health issues, including dry mouth, so consider using a humidifier in your bedroom. Your mouth naturally produces less saliva during sleep, and a humidifier can help to keep your mouth more comfortable. Most importantly, make sure you follow the instructions on how to clean your humidifier and ensure it is filled with water so it can work effectively.

Talk to Your GP About Medications
If prescription medications are causing dry mouth, talk to your doctor about this problem. They might be able to prescribe something different or adjust the dosage to reduce this effect. It is vital you discuss this with them first as you should never discontinue prescription medications without medical advice.

Look After Your Oral Health
It’s important to maintain optimum oral hygiene, making sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once-a-day. Also, we can help you here at Margolian Dentistry. Our dentist in Ajax can provide you with a preventative dental care plan to reduce the effects of dry mouth. It’s critical to visit us regularly for dental checkups and professional cleanings, and we can discuss other things that could help, including artificial saliva.

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