Does Sedation Dentistry Really Work?

If the thought of seeing a dentist in Whitby makes you feel tense with fear, you are not alone. Many people would rather endure a toothache than see a dentist and will only visit when necessary. For anyone with dental fears or phobias, sedation dentistry can take away much of this anxiety. It can be used to ensure any dental visits are more relaxed, from simple hygiene appointments to more complex and lengthy procedures. Treatment is fully customizable and can be adapted to relieve the intensity of dental fear or phobia.

What Are the Advantages of Sedation Dentistry?

Dental sedation in Ajax can help you experience anxiety-free appointments. It can be extremely useful for anyone requiring lengthier procedures to restore dental health, enabling our dentists to complete more treatment during a single visit. It can also help anyone with a strong gag reflex who finds dental treatment uncomfortable and difficult to tolerate.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the use of medication to help people relax during dental treatment. You may hear it called sleep dentistry, but this isn’t entirely accurate. Usually, people are awake during treatment, although you can feel so deeply relaxed that you may fall asleep. However, you can still be easily awakened if the dentist needs to ask anything or check with you during treatment. Only general anesthesia induces complete unconsciousness and is provided in a hospital setting rather than a dental office.

The levels of sedation used in a dental office in Oshawa include minimal sedation, moderate sedation and deep sedation. With minimal sedation, you feel more deeply relaxed but are fully awake during treatment. With moderate sedation, you feel more relaxed and may not remember much or anything about the procedure. Deep sedation makes you extremely relaxed, and you may fall asleep but can still be awakened.

What Are the Different Types of Dental Sedatives?

Three main types may be used: inhaled, oral and intravenous sedation.

Inhaled Sedation

Inhaled sedation is a form of minimal sedation where you breathe in Nitrous oxide, more often known as laughing gas, combined with oxygen. The gas is inhaled through a small nose mask and helps you feel more relaxed quickly. After treatment, the sedative wears off soon, so you can even drive yourself home.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation can be tailored to provide minimal or more moderate sedation, depending on the dosage, and it is given in pill form shortly before your appointment. Although you may feel drowsy, you will still be awake, but some people might fall asleep.

Intravenous Sedation

The sedative is given intravenously through a vein in your arm or hand and works quickly. With this sedation method, you can still respond to questions but will feel deeply relaxed and sleepy. After intravenous sedation, it’s important to have someone with you to take you home and who can stay with you until the anesthetic is eliminated from your system.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Patient safety is always our top priority during any procedures at Margolian Dentistry. Before this treatment, we must review your medical history carefully. We can discuss the pros and cons of each sedative and explain what to expect before, during, and afterward. Any form of sedation carries a small risk, but we take extensive precautions to minimize this risk as much as possible. We will monitor you closely during your procedure, adjusting the level of sedation as required to ensure you feel completely relaxed and comfortable.

Our dental team is kind and compassionate, especially when working with anyone with dental fears or phobias. If this applies to you, please get in touch with us to discuss how we can help you have an anxiety-free visit.

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