Does Invisalign Really Work?

Invisalign is one of the best-known orthodontic systems in Oshawa and worldwide. If you have investigated how to straighten your teeth discreetly, you will almost certainly have encountered Invisalign, but you might wonder if it can deliver good results. The answer is yes when used in the right circumstances and as prescribed by an Invisalign dentist.

Why Choose Invisalign?

The appeal of the system is largely down to ease of use. Instead of fixed braces that are tricky to keep clean and often very visible in the mouth, Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners made from BPA-free plastic. These fit snugly over your teeth, gently pressurizing them so they gradually move into the correct and straighter positions.

Because the aligners are removable, treatment fits easily into everyday life. You don’t need to do anything differently, so there is no need to change your diet or how you brush and floss your teeth in Whitby. However, you must use the aligners as directed by our Invisalign dentist in Ajax, so you need to wear them for at least twenty-two hours daily, only removing them for meals and oral care. If you follow these guidelines, you should get great results.

Returning to the question, Invisalign can correct many of the orthodontic problems previously treated with traditional fixed braces. These include:

  • Overcrowding where teeth overlap or are crooked because they are too tightly packed.
  • Overbites, where the upper teeth bite too far in front of the lower teeth.
  • Underbites are the opposite problem, where the lower teeth bite too far in front of the upper teeth.
  • Crossbites, where teeth do not bite together correctly on one or both sides of the mouth.
  • Spaces between teeth.
  • Open bites, where your upper and lower front teeth do not meet when you close your jaws together.

How To Find Out If Invisalign Could Work for You

If you have been considering straightening your smile, book an appointment to come and see our Invisalign dentist in Ajax. An initial consultation allows us to assess your bite to ensure that this system is your best option, as although it works extremely well, it is not right for everyone.

The next stage is taking digital dental impressions of your teeth. We may also take photographs and digital dental x-rays as part of the planning process. Invisalign’s proprietary software is used to create your custom treatment plan, which is an exciting stage.

At this point, you can view virtual images that show how your teeth look at the start of treatment and how they are predicted to look once you finish wearing your aligners. It is your opportunity to get involved with treatment planning, and you will approve the predicted outcome before we finalize the plan and create your custom aligners.

What to Expect During Treatment

Treatment is very straightforward, as you simply wear each set of aligners for two weeks before discarding them so you can begin wearing the next set. It is normal to feel a little discomfort when you first start wearing your aligners, as your teeth need a few days to get used to the pressure placed on them.

The number of aligners needed depends on your treatment plan. Some people will finish treatment quite quickly if they only need minor adjustments. Others will take longer to finish their plan. We can give you a good idea of how long it will take during your initial visit.

You will need to see us occasionally, but these appointments should be quick as we just need to check that your teeth are moving correctly and provide more sets of aligners as your treatment progresses.

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