Debunking Common Dental Myths

There are so many myths surrounding dental care; some of these misconceptions could put your dental health at risk. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between the myths and the truth. Below are some of the most common myths.

Scrubbing Your Teeth Hard Gets Them Cleaner

This is a common myth, but brushing too hard can damage your teeth and gums, removing tooth enamel and causing gum recession. Instead, pick a soft-bristled toothbrush and use small circular motions to clean your teeth. Even better, purchase an electric toothbrush with built-in sensors that will alert you if you brush too hard.

Tooth Loss is Genetic

Tooth loss is a preventable problem. It is usually caused by lax oral care, allowing cavities and gum disease in Ajax to develop. Proper preventive oral care and regular dental visits will help you maintain a healthy smile. Your adult teeth are meant to last for life.

You Should Avoid Seeing a Dentist While Pregnant

The opposite is true, as ongoing dental care is even more important during pregnancy. If you are pregnant or are trying for a baby, schedule a checkup at Margolian Dentistry. Poor oral health can affect your baby, and it is more dangerous to leave dental problems untreated. Many dental treatments are perfectly safe during pregnancy, and you can rest assured we will make sure all care we provide is safe for you both.

Baby Teeth Are Not Important

Baby teeth are very important! Even though these teeth are only around for a few years before they are replaced with adult teeth, they perform several important functions. They allow a child to begin eating a varied and nutritious diet so they can grow and develop. Baby teeth enable a child to learn to talk so they can begin gaining valuable social skills. Baby or primary teeth also act as placeholders, maintaining the correct amount of space for adult teeth to erupt, reducing the need for orthodontics in Whitby.

You Only Need to See a Dentist When You Have a Problem

The first signs of dental problems can cause few or no symptoms. It is only until they progress that they start to cause discomfort and pain. By this stage, treatment is often more invasive, lengthier and more expensive, and there is an increased risk of tooth loss or permanent damage to your dental health. Regularly seeing a dentist is the best and most cost-effective way to avoid these problems, so any early signs of dental disease are detected and treated earlier when there is a better chance of reversing the issue and avoiding tooth loss or permanent damage.

Dental X-rays are Harmful

The radiation emitted by modern digital dental x-ray equipment is incredibly low. You would probably be exposed to more radiation during a relatively short flight. Our x-ray equipment at Margolian Dentistry is up-to-date and well-maintained, and we take every precaution to protect you during x-rays. Most people only need x-rays periodically, and we only take them when necessary. The diagnostic benefits of these x-rays are huge, as they show us areas hidden from view and allow us to plan treatment more accurately.

Dental Health Doesn’t Affect General Health

We know the opposite is true. Poor oral health increases your risk of poor general health. The two are closely connected as harmful bacteria in the mouth can enter your bloodstream through bleeding gums and have been linked to heart disease, diabetes, respiratory illnesses and dementia. Taking care of your dental health in Oshawa is a great investment in your general health.

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