Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a treatment that saves severely damaged, infected and dead teeth from extraction. Inside every tooth is a nerve extending from the tooth roots into the centre of the tooth crown, the part that is visible in the mouth. It’s contained in something called the dental pulp, which also houses blood vessels. Your tooth nerve carries vital nutrients to teeth and is especially important when teeth are developing. Once a tooth is fully grown, it can survive without the nerve. Unfortunately, a tooth nerve can become damaged if the tooth is badly knocked, resulting in inflammation. The tooth nerve can become infected if your tooth is damaged by a disease such as tooth decay.

Often, a severely infected and inflamed tooth is very painful. Root canal therapy in Oshawa is a treatment that removes the nerve tissue in the tooth, getting rid of infection and inflammation and any discomfort and pain. Contrary to belief, root canal therapy isn’t painful, and there are several significant benefits to this treatment compared with having a tooth removed.

Saving a Natural Tooth
Although it is possible to replace a missing tooth with modern solutions like a dental implant in Ajax, natural teeth remain the best option. There are lots of practical reasons why we fight very hard to save our patients’ natural teeth as it will help you maintain your smile and to continue eating favourite foods without pain or discomfort.

A Virtually Pain-Free Procedure
Root canal treatment should be virtually painless thanks to modern dentistry and highly effective anesthetic. People who receive root canal therapy in Whitby are far more likely to describe the treatment as little different to having a filling, although treatment takes a bit longer.

Root Canal Therapy Is Cost-Effective
Root canal therapy is more cost-effective than having a tooth removed. Usually, a tooth that has received root canal therapy is restored with a dental crown, providing it with excellent and long-lasting protection. In contrast, replacing a missing tooth tends to be more expensive as a dental bridge will typically involve three teeth, or if a dental implant is chosen, there is the cost of implant components and initial treatment planning and surgery.

Visually Appealing Outcome
Because the tooth that received root canal therapy is covered with a dental crown, the outcome is visually appealing. We can create crowns using the highest quality porcelains that closely replicate the liveliness and translucency found in real teeth. Often, the crown will look better than the original tooth, which may well have been severely infected or decayed or has suffered some other form of trauma.

What to Expect During Root Canal Therapy?
Initially, we can examine your mouth gently, and digital dental x-rays are used to assess the tooth and to visualize the extent of the infection more clearly. These x-rays also show the shape and number of root canals extending from the tooth and which must be cleaned and disinfected during treatment, helping to plan the therapy more accurately. Next, the tooth is numbed with a local anesthetic, as we want to make sure you remain as comfortable as possible during your treatment.

Using high magnification microscopes, our dentist will perform the root canal therapy, accessing the dental pulp through the crown of your tooth and thoroughly cleaning out all the diseased and infected tissues. Once we are sure all tissue is removed, the tooth is disinfected and sealed. We may choose to wait a while to ensure the infection is eliminated before permanently restoring the tooth with a dental crown. When you receive your dental crown, your tooth should look and feel natural, and it will be strong enough to chew and bite food properly, without discomfort and pain.

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